Sunday, March 16, 2008

Is this looking right?

I'm at the point where I'm done with the double-decreases. I've only perused the pattern once and love the mindless knitting this pattern affords. I know with EZ patters, it's all about unwavering faith as you blindly knit on...but sometimes I need to know before I get too far along, ya know?


Morwenna said...

I'm not going to be helpful as far as the pattern....but I just wanted to say, that is very pretty!!! Is that your 'mistake' rainbow? It's lovely.

Stellaria said...

Yes, that looks exactly right. And you have proven me right when I say that if I hadn't cast on and started knitting this weekend, you all would be finished with your sweaters by the time I got to my next knitting day! LOL! (You're further than I am, and I've been knitting all day.)

Marnie said...

kim is the fastest knitter ever.

Kim said...

LOL Marnie, I just love garter stitch, it zooms right along.

OK, I'm going to move on to the next step then!

Morwenna, yeah, that's my mistake rainbow. I mixed the green and the dye kept splitting in the steaming process. Twice it happened. Ugh. I ended up using a tarted up kelly green on the final skein I sent out.